The markets and the FED have lost the brakes 

01.10.21 04:23 AM By Stormrake


Welcome to the Stormrake Monthly Australian crypto market & education update.
For sophisticated investors who want to expand their crypto knowledge.
Written by Michael Milmeister, Doug Hemingway and the Stormrake Team


If you are a busy investor that doesn't have time to read this whole newsletter here is a brief summary:

* Bitcoin has spent the month rangebound looking for direction. 
* China has managed to ban Bitcoin again while the world is more concerned about the Evergrande debacle.
* In the US the threat of Crypto Regulation has improved with Powell saying there are no plans to ban Crypto
* While Australia is in lockdown catch up on your reading "The Bitcoin Standard" is about to get a sequel.

or read below for all the detail.

The Bus With No Breaks 

Today I'd like to give an update on the macroeconomic situation that is proceeding exactly as Ray Dalio predicted. We are currently living through what Ray Dalio's "Economic Machine" video explained in minutes 22 to 24.

If you haven't watched the video recently I'd highly recommend another view.  The important premise to understand is that we are at the end of the "long term" debt cycle, signified by the low interest rates, growing inequality and discussion of wealth taxes.

Wealth inequality is real, and the gap is growing.

The reason that this inequality occurs is because the "cost" of money is artificially held low.  Let's explore how this unfolds:
In Australia, the RBA keeps money cheap in two ways. 

  1. The RBA has set the reserve interest rate to 0.1%.  This is the rate that banks can borrow money from the RBA. It is the lowest rate Australia has had since the RBA was founded.
  2. The RBA is buying $4 to $5 Billion in bonds per week to keep the mid and longer term rates low (known as yield curve control)

The stated goal of this is to encourage spending by households and investing in businesses to assist the economic recovery, and on these fronts, the policy is very effective.

However, there are some notable side effects.

Asset prices rise
  1. Savings and cash are penalised with low or even negative interest rates.  Anyone with savings, such as retirees, are seeing their term deposit income slashed.
  2. House prices accelerate and those that can borrow want to leverage up. People can afford a bigger loan and want to borrow to the max.
  3. Dividend stocks increase as people chase yield.
  4. Tech stocks increase because of a quirk in the way their valuation is determined. Their future value is now discounted at a significantly lower interest rate. This is a big factor in valuing non-dividend paying stocks.

The gap in wealth inequality increases because
  1. The wealthiest people own the most assets outright and as a proportion of their wealth.
  2. Those with the greatest ability to borrow money are able to buy more assets and benefit from the rising prices.
  3. Wage growth lags asset price growth.
  4. The poorest people with the least assets or those saving to buy a home, suffer a negative real yield on their savings (low interest plus higher inflation).

Unusual remedies
We are now seeing increasingly complicated tactics to counter the damage of their monetary policy. 

None of these policies address the cause of the inequality.  It is as if the Fed and RBA have their foot on the accelerator while the politicians work to counter the symptoms. They are working against each other

And finally...  I N F L A T I O N
Of course the other major impact of the current monetary policy is rising inflation. 

  1. The Fed was targeting 2% inflation at the beginning of the pandemic 
  2. The "transitory" inflation (as Jerome Powell called it), that ensued, seems to be more persistent, but there is no plan to ease stimulus 
  3. You don't have to look very far to find inflation. The experience feels very different to what we are being told. 

We will dedicate a future letter to explore inflation further.  Until then, let's just hope the Fed's prediction is more accurate than the Swedish Riksbank Repo rate forecasts.


Video of the Month

Jordan Peterson recently made headlines when he posted a video supporting Bitcoin. In the video above he talks to a Canadian politician Maxime Bernier who is the leader of the PPC party. The key point is that the current monetary system assumes people are too dumb to understand monetary policy and need to be kept in the dark. Bitcoin rewards intelligence.



Bitcoin is currently trading around $43,500 USD down almost 10% on last month. DOGE has dropped out of the Top8 and been replaced by SOL (Solana) which has seen impressive growth. The market is in a tussle right now trying to find a direction.

* Top 8 Coins by Market Cap thanks to Coin Gecko


In the NEWS


1. China Bans Crypto Again 

China has "banned" crypto - Again. To seasoned cryptocurrency investors this is becoming a joke as it seems to be a repeating story. China has "banned" crypto in the past including earlier this year when they banned all mining. This time they are making transactions illegal yet you can still hold crypto. It's a move that is having some impact on the market but it's also reducing China's influence on Bitcoin which long term investors see as a positive development.

2.Powell Confirms he is Not Seeking to Bitcoin Ban

Fed Chair Jerome Powell has clarified earlier comments on cryptocurrency regulation saying he has no plans for banning Bitcoin. This has been widely seen as a positive for the industry at a time when regulation is tightening and there is disagreement in the US over how to handle cryptocurrency.

3. Evergrande

Evergrande, once the highest of high flyers in China's booming economy is missing payments and under a cloud of collapse. It's a worry that has equity markets concerned. For crypto we would not want to see a liquidity crunch that leads to a sell off of everything in a scramble for cash like we saw in March 2020. If we do, be ready with your cash to buy up the opportunities.

4. FOX Token Giveaway

Anyone that has actively held an ETH wallet, in select circumstances, can claim FOX tokens for free. We are writing about it here to help our clients claim tokens that they were unaware of. It's really easy to check. Just click the link above and input your ETH wallet address. The tool will tell you if you qualify. Usually you can qualify if you've traded ETH or ERC20 tokens on DEX. Worth a look. The FOX project is an interesting one run by the founder of ShapeShift, Erik Voorhees a long time crypto advocate and entrepreneur. 

5. Sequel to "The Bitcoin Standard"

Stormrake has dug deep to help publish the sequel to one of the most influential books ever written about Bitcoin. Saifedean Ammous is almost ready to launch what promises to be a new classic. His book will look at the FIAT system through the lens of Crypto - a reverse view that is eye opening. We have read the draft and advance copies will be available to our clients. In the meantime, if you haven't read the original please do.

Education - Diversification, Portfolio Theory and Crypto


Don't put all your eggs in one Basket! 

Seems simple and obvious but is it true and helpful? How does it relate to crypto?

Firstly, the definition (Investopedia):

Diversification is a risk management strategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. A diversified portfolio contains a mix of distinct asset types and investment vehicles in an attempt at limiting exposure to any single asset or risk. The rationale behind this technique is that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of assets will, on average, yield higher long-term returns and lower the risk of any individual holding or security.

Portfolio holdings can be diversified not just across asset classes, but also within classes by investing in foreign markets as well as domestic markets. The idea is that the positive performance of one area of a portfolio will outweigh the negatives in another.


1. Not a bad definition however, it claims that diversification leads to "higher long-term returns". I believe that is flat out wrong:

A) If we assume you average a bunch of investments with similar return expectations you will achieve an average outcome. Adding more investments does not improve performance but may improve fluctuations (volatility) of the overall portfolio.
B) The Warren Buffett thinking behind this is that you should never buy anything for the sake of diversification alone (Billionaire investor Warren Buffett famously stated that "diversification is protection against ignorance). Each asset you buy should be only purchased if you have properly analysed it and have genuine conviction in your decision. If this is true, adding a new investment just for the sake of diversification just adds a poor investment to your good investments. That in turn leads to underperformance.
C) You can't have higher returns and lower risk under a fair market. Risk and Return are connected in that investors who invest in risky assets expect a higher return. If there was a safe asset that had high returns, everyone would buy it, its price would rise, and the asset would experience higher volatility and possibly future underperformance. In the end an assets returns are related to their risk, although some assets such as Bitcoin, could have a higher Sharpe ratio - meaning they are good value for their risk.

2. Diversification as a means to an end.

What are you trying to achieve? 

A) I want to be a Billionaire and I am starting with nothing:
If this is your aim, diversification is the worst possible mistake. Diversifying your investments will provide safe and average returns guaranteeing that you will never become a Billionaire. If you want to go from Zero to Hero you actually need to risk everything on a single asset and be good (or lucky) enough to pick the asset that beats all the others. Look at the Billionaires that succeeded. Most have bet on something very specific. Elon has made it big on the back of Tesla's success, Gates on the back of putting everything in Microsoft, Zuckerberg into Facebook. These guys didn't diversify into other stocks as soon as their companies were worth something. They rode their success all the way and invested all their time and money on one project.

B) I am doing pretty well and I want to hold on to my wealth:
Diversification is your friend. If your aim is to make your wealth last you should be diversified and take advantage of the improved risk. If you have many investments it becomes unlikely that they will all fail and your returns are likely to be more stable.

C) I am working hard to save money so that I can invest and retire at 65.
Again Diversification will help (depending on your age and target income in retirement). Predictable returns will help build a financial plan and investment strategy so that you can retire at your goal age. Remember, you won't be a Billionaire but you won't retire broke either. 

Crypto Diversification

When it comes to crypto the rules of finance still hold. Diversification has the same rules.

Having all your money in PotCoin may not be wise. However, diversification for the sake of it is still against Buffett's principles. You should probably not buy PotCoin or SafeMoon to diversify your Bitcoin without understanding it first.

Good Diversification is possible through taking profits on your successes. Below is a list of the best performers over the last year. Some of our clients hold HEX, ADA, FTM, SOL, DOGE and CHZ. If you are one of those you may want to consider diversifying those enormous gains by switching into BTC, ETH, FTT, SRM, BNB, HNT or any other good projects that are yet to have their run. 

I've been through a few cycles now and I've seen many coins go from hero to zero. Don't be caught out.

* Not Personal Financial Advice


Stock to Flow Valuation:

I have replaced the normal Stock to Flow model with this graph generated by This graph has completely blown my mind. It always amazes me how someone can take something that everyone is looking at and see something deeper that no one else picked up. This graph is incredible in its simplicity once you understand it but it shows a very clear path. 

The scale is a log scale and the price of Bitcoin is the pink circular line. The incredible part is how perfect the result is on this graph.  Polar coordinates fit perfectly with the bitcoin halving cycle every 4 years and it seems entirely inevitable that the trend will continue in ever increasing prices by a factor of 10. Take a good look and tell us where you think the price will be in 4 years time.

Monthly Memes

On the China Bitcoin Ban: Bitcoin doesn't care. It's ban proof technology and the blocks keep going.

Until next month, Happy Investing!

Stormrake Team

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