We are going to use a lot of terminology so going through this article will require some assumed knowledge. To get up to speed prior to reading this article, please review our article on 'The Merge' to ensure a great reading experience.
This transition away has been unanimously loved by the Ethereum community except for two small communities, one being without too much influence and that is the PoW advocates and the other being the extremely powerful and financial incentivised mining community.
What the Fork is going on?
What the Fork is going on?
Let's first start by understanding what is a fork and in particular what is a hard fork, as this is what is being proposed by the Ethereum mining community in hopes of preserving their business model. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are powered by decentralized, open-source software called a blockchain. A fork happens whenever a community makes a change to the blockchain’s protocol, or basic set of rules.
This can happen whenever a community makes a change to the blockchain’s protocol, or basic set of rules. When this happens, the chain splits — producing a second blockchain that shares all of its history with the original, but is headed off in a new direction.
This is best visualised via the infographic below.
The risks and opportunities ahead
The risks and opportunities ahead
How this can affect your crypto portfolio
How this can affect your crypto portfolio
The battle shall be epic
The battle shall be epic
The straight and narrow
The straight and narrow
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