The Morning Note

Blog categorized as The Morning Note

There are only two meetings left in the 2022 FOMC calendar. Today will provide a signal whether there will be any relief in 2022 for risk assets. Should we get a light rate hike, a Christmas rally would definitely be on the cards.

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02.11.22 12:19 AM - Comment(s)

The world irrevocably changed 14 years ago today with the publication of the Bitcoin Whitepaper. A revolution that spans finance, economics, politics has created the purest form of money the world has ever seen.

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30.10.22 11:25 PM - Comment(s)

Just over $328M USD worth of short liquidations got triggered by Bitcoin moving over $20,000. Across other crypto assets over $700M worth of short liquidations has been doled out to the bears. Let's dive in and see where this short squeeze can take us. 

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26.10.22 12:55 AM - Comment(s)

Monday morning in Asia has created a 'max bidding' environment where everything from equity futures, commodities and of course crypto has made a substantial run higher. 

The information contained here is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting financial advice. Storm...

23.10.22 11:41 PM - Comment(s)

Layer 2s (L2) are scaling solutions built on top of the Ethereum network. With an Arbitrum airdrop speculated to happen soon, they are really starting to heat up as they compete for Total Value Locked (TVL) in a bear market.

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20.10.22 11:15 PM - Comment(s)

Crypto market volatility remains unusually subdued, however this doesn't mean we don't have trades available to us. We're currently watching a potential Arbitrum airdrop and the launch of a new chain called Aptos. 

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18.10.22 12:14 AM - Comment(s)

Despite incredible intra-day volatility across crypto and equity markets, nothing has actually happened and we remain locked in at key levels. Let's see what catalysts can actually provide the markets with some direction.

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12.10.22 11:54 PM - Comment(s)

Whilst bonds get routed and equities continue to show massive weakness, Bitcoin remains compressed. This feels like a tightly wound coil ready to burst and in today's Morning Note we analyse the impact this can have on the crypto markets. 

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12.10.22 11:54 PM - Comment(s)

Volatility across Bitcoin and the wider crypto space has not only been subdued but is virtually non-existent. Today's Morning Note will examine how long this can last and what catalysts can bring it back up.

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10.10.22 02:10 AM - Comment(s)

Earlier this morning the Binance Smart Chain was hacked for over $600M USD. As this is a developing story, we will get you up to speed and share new insights as we learn more.

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07.10.22 12:45 AM - Comment(s)

After a muted month of volatility in September, Uptober is living up to its name and putting in the work for strong green candles. The real stress tests will come with the release of US job report and inflation rates.

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06.10.22 01:15 AM - Comment(s)

The GILT market was in huge trouble yesterday night and the Bank of England had to step in with 65 billion pound bailout. Unfortunately, this is yet again at the expense of the taxpayer. This may just be the catalyst to catapult Bitcoin into a new narrative.

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29.09.22 04:13 AM - Comment(s)

Bitcoin seasonality means we can be in store for a nice move up in October but we need to be mindful of the hostile macro environment when we make investing decisions

The information contained here is for general information only. It should not be taken as constituting financial advice. Stormrake is ...

26.09.22 06:05 AM - Comment(s)

With raging USD strength, weak equity markets and crypto holding up surprisingly well, traders are looking at bond markets clearly signalling an upcoming recession. In today's Morning Note we analyse the Pound Sterling collapse and see what's next for global FX markets.

26.09.22 06:05 AM - Comment(s)