Rate Hike

Blog tagged as Rate Hike

A 291 Day First for Bitcoin
Finally, after a tough week for markets, Bitcoin and the rest of the Crypto industry have begun to show some major promise.
09.08.24 03:29 AM - Comment(s)
The Currency Trade That Crashed Global Markets
Our April edition of the Rake Review included an educational piece on the standoff between the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen. Months ago, the Yen was at 30 year highs of 160 with interest rates of 0%. As predicted, an intervention occurred as the Yen was beginning to reach an unsustainable level.

08.08.24 04:50 AM - Comment(s)
We got the inevitable; what’s next for a Doveish FED and Bitcoin in 2025?
In last month’s article we wrote about Bitcoin being in a prolonged accumulation pattern, in which we expected to see more touches on both the bottom and top of its respective “Bull Flag” channels. Like clockwork, it turned out that our prudent approach of identifying opportunity in a “sea...
06.08.24 01:07 AM - Comment(s)
