Thunder Trading

Blog categorized as Thunder Trading

In today's Thunder Trading Update we take a dive deep into some of the trade opportunities and investment theses that are gaining traction amongst crypto insiders. This article will also serve as a fantastic snapshot to reflect on at the end of the year. 

After a brutal 2022 for digital asset in...
06.01.23 03:17 AM - Comment(s)
A Beginners Guide To Crypto Self-Custody

In light of recent events concerning the collapse of FTX, the opaque nature of centralised exchanges and the importance of self-custody has been brought to light.
In today's Thunder Trading Update, we aim to educate our readers on how to start your self-custody journey and why it's so important to g...

18.11.22 12:43 AM - Comment(s)
FTX Collapse: Key Market Update

Crypto markets are once again facing a huge stress test. This time in the form of the worlds second largest exchange, proving to be insolvent and allegedly fraudulent. In today's report we aim to deliver you the key facts of what has happened so far and what to anticipate next. 

Early Monday mor...
10.11.22 02:30 AM - Comment(s)
Arbitrum: Airdrop Inbound 

Arbitrum is lighting up the crypto trading community with activity as speculation around an airdrop gains momentum. In today's Thunder Trading update, we will jump into the vibrant Arbitrum ecosystem and learn about the hype.

On Aug. 31, 2021, Offchain Labs, the company behin...
16.10.22 01:19 PM - Comment(s)
THORCHAIN: The One Chain To Unite Them All

Understanding how crypto ecosystems work can be a hellish experience. Now add in the complexity of a blockchain that allows you to trade between different chains, without any bridges or wrapped assets and it can make even the most hardened crypto investor's head spin. The Stormrake research team has...

07.09.22 07:07 AM - Comment(s)
The importance of financial privacy and decentralisation 

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine

17.08.22 02:17 AM - Comment(s)
The Fork Wars: The Miners Strike Back

We are going to use a lot of terminology so going through this article will require some assumed knowledge. To get up to speed prior to reading this article, please review our article on 'The Merge' to ensure a great reading experience.

There is a monumental change about to occur on the Ethereum bloc...
10.08.22 11:55 PM - Comment(s)
The Ethereum Merge is one of the most impactful events in crypto history

For the last four years "The Merge" has been one of the most fundamental shifts in the crypto landscape since it caught wind in mainstream media back in 2017. To those who are uninitiated and are new to the crypto space, the merge is the transition for the Ethereum Blockchain from Proof-of...
10.08.22 11:54 PM - Comment(s)
Understanding what happened to Celsius and other crypto lending firms

You've probably all heard about a company called Celsius by now. They are one of many crypto lending/borrowing platforms who are severely struggling this crypto winter. Recently they filed for bankruptcy (Chapter 11) and revealed a $1.2 Billion hole in its balance sheet.
Investors that had ...
05.08.22 05:58 AM - Comment(s)

Thunder Trading Update - 19/07/22

* Pictured Mark Winterbottom (2015 Supercar Championship Winner)



Dear readers, we have conducted a large survey of our readership and discovered many of you would like to hear more often from us to better keep up with the market and also to learn and imp...
19.07.22 06:14 AM - Comment(s)


A Special Note... March 25th 2020

The past few weeks have been a wild ride across the wider spectrum of markets and we feel it is important to share with you some updates.

A liquidity grab due to COVID-19 sell off triggered cascading closure of margined positions and a 52% BTC fall in 24 hours


25.03.20 02:20 AM - Comment(s)

15 January 2020


Dear Investors,

A Special Note...

We have just witnessed a fascinating day in Crypto Markets. We’ve not seen pumps like this for a very long time and it has the world crypto markets very excited.

  1. Bitcoin (BTC) is now up over 20% for the last month:

  1. Bitcoin SV (BSV) is up 260% f...

14.01.20 11:56 PM - Comment(s)
